Fine lines and wrinkles on the face are a sign of aging skin. Most often, these tiny wrinkles are the result of a decreased amount of moisture and poor skin support from beneath the dermal layers. Filler injections are a proven means to correct this problem.

Juvéderm is a gel filler containing hyaluronic acid. It works as a cushioning agent because the acid attracts and holds moisture in place. This evens out the skin surface and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and tiny skin creases.

We highly recommend this treatment to those who bring us their concerns about facial wrinkles.

Causes of Facial Wrinkles

As we age, our skin doesn’t contain as much collagen and hyaluronic acid as it did when we were younger. This means that the skin becomes less supple. If moisture retention is on the decline, the skin will pinch and crease, especially when we make certain facial expressions.

To improve the appearance of the facial skin, a dermal filler containing hyaluronic acid is often the best bet. The gel helps by acting as a supportive mold, and the acid in the gel holds moisture in place. The result is a cushioning effect, and the small wrinkles and lines are much less noticeable.

Consultation and Treatment

We need to consult with the client so that we can determine the cause of facial skin wrinkling. If we decide that Juvéderm is a viable treatment option, we can map out the procedure. We choose the injection sites carefully and inject the gel directly into the area that needs treatment.

The gel is of a smooth consistency, not granular as are many other types of dermal fillers. The gel stays in place and won’t move around beneath the skin. The plumping effect begins almost immediately. Within a day or so, the client notices a decrease in the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

There’s no downtime after the treatment, and no special at-home care needs to be performed. Most of our clients report satisfactory results lasting for quite a while. Repeat treatments can be performed whenever the wrinkles begin to reappear.

Customized Treatments

Our treatments at Palmer Cosmetic Surgery are customized based on the client’s wants and needs. The plumping and smoothing effect is determined by the dosage and the exact injection sites, so we have complete control over the outcome.

This is a simple cosmetic procedure, but it can yield quite dramatic results. Contact us today to schedule a Juvéderm consultation at our office in Fort Lauderdale!