Key Takeaways

  • Mini facelifts, less invasive and ideal for mild signs of aging, typically focus on the lower face and neck.
  • Deep plane facelifts offer a comprehensive rejuvenation, targeting deeper facial tissues for more pronounced results.
  • Choosing the right procedure depends on individual aging signs, desired outcomes, and overall health.

The Deep Plane Facelift and Mini Facelift

Deep Plane Facelift vs Mini Facelift – What’s the Difference? A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries available. Two of the most popular types of facelifts are the deep plane facelift and the mini facelift or ‘mini lift’. The primary purpose of these procedures is to smooth and reduce wrinkles in the face, tighten the jowls, correct sagging in the neck, and reverse the anatomic changes associated with aging. When performed by a skilled practitioner, a facelift can make you appear 10-20 years younger. 

This article will help you understand the benefits of each procedure so you can make an informed decision about which you would like to pursue. 

What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

The deep plane facelift is an advanced cosmetic surgery technique that targets both the skin and the deeper layers of facial tissues and muscles instead of just tightening the skin, as did earlier, less sophisticated procedures. The deep plane facelift is not only more effective than older procedures used in previous decades, but it also delivers more natural-looking and longer-lasting results for most patients. Deep plane facelifts directly address problem areas like sagging cheeks and jowls, nasolabial folds (lines running from the nose to the corners of the mouth), and neck banding and laxity (loose skin around the neck). 

How Can a Deep Plane Facelift Make You Look Younger?

Over time the effects of gravity and time create changes in the face. Not only does skin become looser, but muscles weaken and relax, and fat may accumulate in different areas. These effects can make lines, wrinkles, and jowls more apparent, and they contribute to the appearance of aging. 

The deep plane facelift works in part by lifting and repositioning the superficial musculoaponeurotic system or SMAS, which is a layer of facial tissue that lines the top of the facial muscles. The surgeon then extends his dissection below the muscles and releases ligaments that allow for a more powerful yet natural facelift. By releasing ligaments, repositioning tissues and muscles, and tightening skin, SMAS, and muscles, the plastic surgeon can restore a more youthful appearance by countering the effects of gravity and time on the skin, fat, and muscles of the face. These layers can be mobilized along different vectors of pull, producing a longer-lasting and more natural result than other facelift techniques. 

Pros and Cons of a Deep Plane Facelift

The advantages of a deep plane facelift are that the procedure corrects aging changes in skin, fat, and muscle. This allows the plastic surgeon to deliver more pronounced results that last longer and look more natural than other procedures. Other procedures that only tighten the skin can leave patients with an unnatural appearance over time because the fat and muscle that are not addressed will continue to sag, despite the skin being tighter. Deep plane facelifts are the preferred option when patients are seeking a markedly more youthful appearance that looks natural and can last for 10-20 years or more. 

A deep plane facelift:

  • Provides a uniform, youthful appearance to the whole face and neck.
  • Offers far superior correction for the aging face and neck compared with a mini facelift. 
  • Delivers more comprehensive and longer-lasting improvements than a mini facelift.
  • Gives a younger, more natural result with a short healing time

What is a Mini Facelift 

The mini facelift is also sometimes called a “weekend facelift” due to its shorter recovery time when compared to more advanced procedures. Compared to a deep plane facelift, a mini facelift primarily targets only the skin of the lower third of the face and neck. It is designed to address early signs of aging, such as minor sagging and wrinkles around the neck, jawline, and lower cheeks.

A mini facelift typically begins with small incisions made around the ears. This allows the surgeon to gently lift facial tissues and trim excess skin. This is a relatively simple way to reverse some of the effects aging has on the appearance of your face since loose skin and wrinkles tend to be what people notice first as they age. 

Pros and Cons of a Mini Facelift

The advantages of a mini facelift are a shorter recovery time and lower cost. The disadvantages of a mini facelift are that it targets only the skin of the lower face and neck and does not address deeper facial fat or muscles. This means a mini facelift has much more limited results and these results do not last as long as those from a more sophisticated procedure like a deep plane facelift. It can also compromise the results of a future deep plane lift. Because a mini facelift addresses only skin, not fat and muscle, it can result in poor, less natural results over time as fat and muscles continue to sag and patients may find the skin on the sides of their face remains tighter, but jowling and muscle banding worsen.  This can produce an unnatural appearance.

The mini facelift:

  • Addresses loose skin, but not underlying facial structure.
  • Offers very limited correction of an aging neck, jowls, etc. 
  • Has a relatively short recovery time. 

What Is The Difference Between A Deep Plane Facelift And A Mini facelift?

When deciding between a mini facelift and a deep plane facelift, understanding their distinct approaches and outcomes is crucial.

Target Areas and Effectiveness

The mini facelift focuses on the lower face, particularly the jowls and neck, making it suitable for those with early signs of aging. In contrast, the deep plane facelift comprehensively addresses the mid-face, neck, and jowls, targeting more advanced aging signs​​​​​​.

Suitability Based on Age and Skin Conditions

Typically, mini facelifts are recommended for individuals in their 30s to 40s, while deep plane facelifts are better suited for those in their 50s and 60s, who experience more pronounced facial aging​​.

Risks and Complications

Both procedures carry risks like infection, bleeding, and nerve injury. However, the deep plane facelift has a higher risk due to its more invasive nature

Patient Considerations: Deep Plane Facelift vs Mini Facelift

Choosing the right facelift procedure involves several factors, including individual aging signs and desired outcomes.

Deciding Between the Two – Your choice should align with your specific facial aging concerns. A mini facelift is ideal for early signs of aging, while a deep plane facelift addresses more significant changes​​​​.

Consultation with a Surgeon – Consulting a qualified plastic surgeon is vital for making an informed decision. They can assess your facial structure, skin condition, and aging signs to recommend the most suitable procedure.

Palmer Cosmetic Surgery for Facelifts in Fort Lauderdale

If you are considering a state-of-the-art deep plane facelift, Palmer Cosmetic Surgery should be your first call. Our practice offers exceptional quality of care and a wealth of expertise. Dr. Palmer has 34 years of experience and has held residencies at Harvard and UCLA Medical Center.

We treat every patient as we would a dear friend or family member and design custom treatment plans for each patient we care for based on their individual goals. We welcome the opportunity to help you look as young as you feel again. Please give us a call at (954) 989-5001  to schedule a consultation today.