Breast reduction procedures are no longer just for women. Gynecomastia is a common condition in which men develop excess breast tissue. Though it is more frequent in adolescents and older adults, fatty tissue collection in the breast region can be found in men of all ages and can lead to a less masculine appearance and a lack of confidence.

In the past, men with gynecomastia in Fort Lauderdale may have been left with few options, but at Palmer Cosmetic Surgery, men have the option of gynecomastia correction. Confidence is important in achieving success in our fast-paced world. No one should have to live with a condition that saps confidence or pulls them away from social interactions that might lead to important relationships, personal success, and career advancements.

The benefits of breast reduction are so great that men with gynecomastia no longer have any reason to forego a procedure that can be life-changing.

What is Gynecomastia and How is it Treated?

Fat deposits are a normal part of breast tissue in women, but most men have little or no fatty tissue in the chest region. Some men may develop fat collections, especially around the nipple, which is called gynecomastia. The condition can result from several factors, though hormone levels and genetics are among the most significant.

Breast reduction for men typically takes the form of liposuction, with fat being removed from the area. This procedure will remove the tissue causing the gynecomastia while also giving the chest a healthy, masculine contour.

What are the Benefits of Male Breast Reduction?

For men in Fort Lauderdale with gynecomastia, a renewed sense of confidence and a normal male counter may be reason enough to undergo a male breast reduction, but there are other benefits to the procedure. Some may be surprised to find that for men with the condition, the benefits go beyond the short-term improved appearance that may lead men to consider the surgery.

Getting Started

If you are man dealing with gynecomastia in Fort Lauderdale, “man boobs” are not something that you have to be burdened with for the rest of your life. Male breast reduction is safe, effective and the results are long-lasting. The renewed sense of confidence alone is enough to encourage many to bid farewell to their gynecomastia.

At Palmer Cosmetic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale, we want you to live your best life, so contact us today to schedule a consultation.