One of the most key factors people consider before having surgery is recovery time. Patients want to know how long their rehabilitation period will take and when they can get back to work. While cosmetic surgery is no picnic, the true challenge is the healing period. Following treatment, you can be swollen, stiff, and bruised for months, which can test your patience.

Cosmetic surgery recovery times vary from patient to patient and are hugely reliant on the procedure. Here are some suggestions to help you heal faster.

10 Tips for Faster Cosmetic Surgery Recovery
  1. Listen to your doctor

You can ask Google as much as you want about rehabilitating faster, but only your doctor knows what’s best for you. Your surgeon will not only do the procedure but also provide aftercare instructions. Don’t compare notes with others. Rely on your doctor for cosmetic surgery recovery guidelines.

  1. Rest and unwind

Take it easy, even if the operation is a non-invasive procedure. Avoid stress at all costs, as it may impair recovery. Meditate. Read a book. Listen to soothing music. Take a long, aromatic bath. Do things that will relieve your stress without putting strain on your body. Relaxing may be a struggle at first, especially if you have responsibilities to do, but stressing about your healing period will cause more problems.

  1. Move around

While you should rest your body, this does not mean you should stay in bed all day. Get up and walk around the house or the neighborhood for a few minutes. Moving around promotes good circulation and reduces swelling and stiffness. However, don’t overdo moving around. Listen to your body and take breaks as needed.

  1. Eat healthy food and drink plenty of water

This may seem obvious, yet even after surgery, people hardly stick to a healthy diet. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and being hydrated at all times boost the natural healing process of your body. Eat lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Stay away from processed and salty food. Drink lots of water throughout the day. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages.

  1. Avoid direct sunlight and other elements

Sun exposure causes skin damage or hyperpigmentation in the incision area. Direct sunlight can irritate your wound and leave an unsightly scar. If you need to go outside, apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and wear sunglasses and a hat.

Also, keep your incision away from smoke, dust, and other irritants. Avoid activities, such as going for a swim, that can expose your incision to other elements.

  1. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking

Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes can cause unnecessary complications and delay the healing process. Alcohol weakens your immune system and complicates rehabilitation. Cigarette smoke decreases the amount of oxygen that reaches the cells in your body, impeding the healing process.

  1. Let others help

There’s a reason why surgeons ask patients about their support system. You will require help after a procedure. You will need someone to be with you, especially in the first few days after surgery. If you have children or pets, you must plan for their care during your recuperation time. Look for help with household chores and errands. Letting others help you means getting back on your feet sooner.

  1. Go to your next doctor’s appointment

Many people, especially if they started feeling good, dismiss follow-up appointments. However, a follow-up check-up is necessary for several reasons. It ensures that your incision is free of infections and other complications. It also enables your doctor to keep track of your healing and progress. Plus, this is a suitable time to talk about your recovery timeframe and if you’re ready to return to work, exercise, and do other strenuous routines. So make sure to still attend your appointments even if you feel fine and have no further questions.

  1. Be patient

Just because you know someone who recovered quickly from surgery does not mean your body will do the same. The healing process is unique to each individual. Cosmetic surgery can cause swelling, bruising, and inflammation that might last for weeks. Complete rehabilitation can take months, so be patient and manage your expectations.

  1. Seek personalized care

Look for a certified cosmetic surgery clinic, such as Palmer Cosmetic Surgery, that can give you tailored cosmetic surgery recovery assistance. Palmer Cosmetic Surgery emphasizes postoperative care, with each patient getting follow-up support.

You can strive for a speedier recovery following a cosmetic procedure, but it is important to allow for sufficient downtime so that you heal properly and with no complications.