While rhinoplasty is a good cosmetic surgery option for many people who have issues with their nose or sinuses, it’s not a procedure that’s right for everyone. The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for rhinoplasty is to contact a surgeon who can perform an exam and learn more about the issues that you’re experiencing.

Before you meet with the doctor, it’s a good idea to make a list of the details that you want to talk about so that you don’t forget anything when you get to the office. During rhinoplasty, the surgeon can either make the nose larger or smaller depending on the reason that you want to have the surgery performed.

You could be a good candidate if you have a desire to change the appearance of your nose because you don’t like how it looks. Corrective reasons can also make you a good candidate for this surgery as you might have difficulties breathing or could have frequent sinus infections.

A common reason to have rhinoplasty is if the tip of your nose or the bridge of your nose needs to be corrected. If you look in the mirror and aren’t happy with how your nose looks as this is one of the first things that people see when they talk to you, then it can begin to impact your self-esteem. Once your self-esteem suffers, it can lead to other issues.

Although rhinoplasty can’t solve everything, it can be a step closer to enhancing the way that you feel about yourself. Sometimes, the shape of your nose can change as you get older, which means you want to make changes to its appearance.

You would be a good candidate if you have realistic expectations and understand that the surgery will only improve the way that you look instead of making you look perfect. Another quality of a good candidate is being in good overall health. As a good candidate, you’ll be prepared for the surgery and have the proper tools in place for recovery along with ensuring that you have enough time to recover.

Schedule an appointment at Palmer Cosmetic Surgery to find out if you would be a good candidate for rhinoplasty. If you have issues that you want to correct pertaining to your nose, this procedure could be perfect for you. Contact us today to book an initial consultation at our office in Fort Lauderdale!