Wondering what a nose job is all about? This is a cosmetic procedure that can enhance your facial appearance. You may be dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose and feel that it does not enhance your looks. Palmer Cosmetic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale can answer all of your questions on the hows, whats, and whys of a nose job in Fort Lauderdale.

What is a Nose Job?

Commonly known as rhinoplasty, a nose job can help you refine, reduce or enhance your nose shape and size to provide a better cosmetic appearance. This helps to improve your overall self-image and confidence. It also helps to deal with nose problems that have been present since birth or as the result of injuries.

Are You a Good Candidate?

If you feel that your nose is too large or misshapen, or has ridges or contours, a nose job may the answer to your problems. It can also correct an upturned nose, an unaesthetic nasal profile, and unattractive nasal angles. Most importantly, you should be convinced of the benefits, irrespective of others’ opinions.

What are the Steps of the Procedure?

A nose job in Fort Lauderdale is completely customized based on the patient’s wants and needs. The details vary from patient to patient.

When is the Best Time to Get a Nose Job?

It is best to undertake a nose job in Fort Lauderdale when you feel fit and healthy. Avoid smoking before the procedure to ensure good healing. Inform our doctor about any medications you may be taking.

Why suffer from low self-esteem and appearance issues when you can have a healthy and pleasing appearance? Make an appointment at Palmer Cosmetic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale to learn more information about rhinoplasty. Contact us today for a consultation! We look forward to speaking with you.