Sometimes, your breasts might begin to weigh you down and cause severe pain in your back and other areas of your body. Although they might have the appearance that you desire, breast reduction offers benefits to consider. The decision that you make should be one that you carefully think about and talk to our doctor about before scheduling a date for surgery.

A common reason as to why you might want to have breast reduction is to relieve pain in your back. The pain that you feel in your back can begin to radiate to your shoulders and neck, making it difficult to perform daily activities like working or even cleaning your home.

Sometimes, back pain can also cause headaches. When you have breast reduction, you’re relieving the weight that is pulling on these areas of your body, making it easier to enjoy your life.

If you look in the mirror and notice that your breasts are much larger than your hips and your buttocks, then breast reduction might be beneficial.

While large breasts might make you look more feminine and make you feel better about your appearance, a body that is out of proportion might not always be what you want to see when you’re getting dressed.

You can usually find clothes that fit better after breast reduction. Getting clothes that fit your breasts instead of the rest of your body can sometimes lead to getting items that are too big for your arms, abdomen, and other areas. When your breasts are proportionate and smaller, it’s often easier to find clothes that will flatter your figure and reveal the curves that you have.

Larger breasts can sometimes inhibit your exercise routine. Once you have surgery, you won’t feel the strain on your back, arms, and other areas of your body, making it easier to do exercises that tone your body.

Reach out to Palmer Cosmetic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale to get started on your breast reduction journey. Contact us today and book your consultation!