Oftentimes, one plastic surgery procedure isn’t enough to achieve the results you desire, and that’s completely okay! If you have gone through one or more pregnancies and childbirths, you have surely seen your body change. Your breasts may now droop while your belly is afflicted by a muffin top that simply will not budge no matter how much you work out.

The same may be true if you have lost a lot of weight. You may want to consider combining plastic surgery procedures that can help you regain a more youthful body no matter how many children you have had or how much weight you have lost.

You are Done Having Children

First, you should not have any plans to have children in the future. While your body will still be able to go through pregnancy and childbirth without problem after plastic surgery, you will see all the positive effects of your procedures swallowed up in your new weight gain and the stretching of your skin.

You are Generally Healthy and Close to Your Ideal Body Weight

Of course, the best candidates for these combination procedures are those who are generally healthy, who do not smoke and who do not have chronic diseases that could make surgery and anesthesia inadvisable for them. Additionally, you should be close to or at your ideal body weight to ensure that your results are long-lasting.

You Have Time

Finally, since a combination of multiple surgical procedures is involved, you will need to plan for some recovery time. Initially, you may find it difficult to move much. You should plan on having someone to help you for a set amount of time after the surgery.

Combining plastic surgery procedures is often the best choice for women and men in certain situations where total body enhancement is desired. Contact us today at Palmer Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation at our office in Fort Lauderdale and learn more about your options!